EvergreenConnect offers a list of all our products to trade customers that allows you to find what we have available for purchase each day.
They provide a ordering system that is designed to make ordering as efficient and convenient as possible for our trade customers.
When you place your orders through EvergreenConnect, it allows us to streamline the entire ordering process.

How to Register for Evergreen Connect
- Click on link
https://www.evergreenconnect.com.au/?page=register - Enter your details.(Referral Code is Southern Plants)
- Pres "Submit"After submission, Evergreen Connect will then contact you to set your business up.

How to locate Southern Plants stock via the Supplier Gateway
1. Log in on www.evergreenconnect.com.au
2. Select "My suppliers

3. Enter Southern Advanced Plants in the search field

4. Hit "Search" and the following will appear

5. You can make us a favourite, using the "Add Suppliers to Favourites: button, so the next time you login you will not have to complete step 2-4 above and can start your ordering process right away.

6. If you hit “Start Order” then you will see our most current stock list with pot size, approximately quantity in batch and cost price excluding GST. Please note our stock list is ordered in alphabetic order (by default) and you can change your search to species or pot size anytime you like.

How to order Southern Plants stock on Evergreen Connect
1. Log in on www.evergreenconnect.com.au
2. If you have already set Southern Plants up as a favourite, please click “Start Order”. If not, please see instruction above for How to locate Southern Plants stock via the Supplier Gateway, step 2-5.
3. Start an order:

4. Locate plants required and enter your required numbers.

5. When you have selected all plants press “Create” (found at bottom of the page).

6. The following screen will appear and allow you to review your order:

Create your order:
Minimum order
Please check your total $ as we require a minimum order spend of $1000 to secure your order. Top up orders are exclusive of $1000 minimum.
You can return to the stocklist and ordering if you press the “Continue Ordering” button.

When you have added extra stock you can return to order screen by selecting “Add” button (found at bottom of the page).

7. Please review your order and amend if required.
8. Add your “Purchase order number”, if you need it listed on your paperwork. If not you can leave this field blank.
9. Carrier: Shipping or Pick up:
To avoid disappointment, please notify us using this box of when pick up is expected and who is picking up. If you are undecided, we are happy to make transport suggestions.
Please note, that all dispatch/pickups are arranged and paid for by your company. We supply no additional packaging with our stock. It is up to your chosen transport company to bring all packaging they may require for a successful delivery. We are happy to make recommendations for a transport company should you need it, but it is all booked and arranged by your company.
Your transport company is welcome to call us to arrange a suitable pickup time. Our business requires pickup between the hours of 7:30 and 3:30 Monday to Thursday. Friday between 8:00 and 12:30.
Use this field for any comments you may have.
Labels | Please note here, if your stock is required to have labels. |
Contact person | Please add your contact details, ie your name so we can contact right person, if we need to discuss the order in details (ie shortfall of stock etc). |
Assorted stock | If you have special requirements ie colour or other specifics please note it here. |
11. Select desired “Delivery Date”.

Submit your order
12. Press “Submit” and the order will drop into our order system.
Upon receipt of your order, we will check your order, make contact if we have any questions, notify you of potential shortage of stock, pick the stock and invoice you. For customers without a 30 day account, we require payment in full, prior to dispatch of stock (we will notify you in an email with your invoice of the next steps).
If you have any questions in regards to stock not listed on the availability list, sizing, quantity or transport please contact us on landscape@ourplants.com.au or 03 5987 2200 (extension 2).