Natures Nectar®

Grevillea Ned Kelly 200MM

Grevillea ‘Ned Kelly’ – 200MM

(Not currently available to be ordered)

I am Grevillea Ned Kelly. My family originated from Australia

Botanic Name: Grevillea banksii x bipinnatifida ‘Ned Kelly’

Bushy – Bird and bee attracting

I am a medium native shrub with bright green foliage. I have large showy multi-coloured orange and red brush type flower heads year round. Suited to screening and hedging, my drawcard are my flowers and the wildlife they attract including all manner of nectar feeding birds and other native animals. I do best in full sun but can cope with significant shade.

Full Sun to Part Shade (4+ hours of direct sun)
Height: 2m Width: 2m
I need minimal water once established
Australian Native
Suitable for coastal planting I thrive in most soils and tolerate dry conditions
I am popular and will make you happy because…
I attract nectar feeding birds to the garden
I flower throughout most of the year more prolifically in spring to summer
I make a colourful native screening hedge

    Plant me:

  • in garden beds and general landscaping
  • as a screening hedge

Tips for success…

Prune lightly after flowering and fertilise with low phosphorous native fertiliser
Plant me 1.3m apart
100% Recyclable Pot and Label
Most pots and labels made from 100% recycled polypropylene

Caution: Skin irritant

Plant family: Proteacea
Other names: Mason’s Hybrid



The Nature's Nectar ® Collection

Australian native plants are increasingly popular with both home gardeners and landscapers due to the drought tolerant nature and the fact they are usually very hardy plants.

Nature's Nectar® is an exceptional collection of flowering native structural plants that also encourage birds into the garden.


Plants in this collection include:











Also including:
Also Including:   Eucalyptus. Leptospermum. Philotheca and many more.

Available in 140mm, 180mm and 200mm pots

Native, Flowering and Easy to Grow

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